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楼道里的蜡烛-Candles in the Corridor,楼道里的蜡烛-Candles in

楼道里的蜡烛-Candles in the Corridor,楼道里的蜡烛-Candles in

楼道里的蜡烛-Candles in the Corridor 点点英语网收集整理 点点英语网 一天晚上我下班回家,看见楼道里燃着很多蜡烛。一年多了,楼道里一直没有灯,一到晚上,就漆黑一片。这些蜡烛使整个楼道变得温暖而浪漫。我正在纳闷到底谁点燃了这些蜡烛,这时我碰见了邻居家6岁的女孩简,她手里拿着一支蜡烛正准备往楼梯扶手上粘。我突然明白了一切。她告诉我那天是她的生日,妈妈让她为别人做点好事。我被深深地感动了,于是就跟她一起点蜡烛。
One night when I went home from work, I saw many candles lighting up the corridor. There were no lamps for more than a year and the whole corridor was in darkness at night. The candles made the whole place warm and romantic. I was wondering who did it while I met my neighbor's 6- year-old daughter Jane. She was holding a candle in her hand. I understood everything suddenly. She told me that it was her birthday and her mother asked her to do something good for others. I was moved by this and went to help her.
楼道里的蜡烛-Candles in the Corridor 点点英语网收集整理 点点英语网

楼道里的蜡烛-Candles in the Corridor 点点英语网收集整理 点点英语网 一天晚上我下班回家,看见楼道里燃着很多蜡烛。一年多了,楼道里一直没有灯,一到晚上,就漆黑一片。这些蜡烛使整个楼道变得温暖而浪漫。我正在纳闷到底谁点燃了这些蜡烛,这时我碰见了邻居家6岁的女孩简,她手里拿着一支蜡烛正准备往楼梯扶手上粘。我突然明白了一切。她告诉我那天是她的生日,妈妈让她为别人做点好事。我被深深地感动了,于是就跟她一起点蜡烛。
One night when I went home from work, I saw many candles lighting up the corridor. There were no lamps for more than a year and the whole corridor was in darkness at night. The candles made the whole place warm and romantic. I was wondering who did it while I met my neighbor's 6- year-old daughter Jane. She was holding a candle in her hand. I understood everything suddenly. She told me that it was her birthday and her mother asked her to do something good for others. I was moved by this and went to help her.
楼道里的蜡烛-Candles in the Corridor 点点英语网收集整理 点点英语网



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