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Mom, Please Give Me More Time-妈妈,请再多给我一些,Mom, Plea

Mom, Please Give Me More Time-妈妈,请再多给我一些,Mom, Plea

Mom, Please Give Me More Time-妈妈,请再多给我一些时间由点点英语网整理收集 妈妈一直对我管教甚严。但是有时我觉得她过于严厉了。拿我学英语为例吧,她总以为我不用功,而且每次都要立即见成效。可是妈妈,你知道学好一门外语需要很长时间吗?每次她逼我逼得太紧,我总是会想她一定会后悔的。不过随着我慢慢长大。我开始理解妈妈的所作所为了。我知道她是爱我的,她想让我成为最优秀的人。我自己也希望成为最优秀的。所以希望妈妈不要总是这么逼我,这不会有任何效果。给我多一些时间,我不会让您失望的。
Mom, Please Give Me More Time
Mom always keeps a strict hand over me. But I think sometimes she is too strict. Take my studying English as an example. She always regards me as a lazy boy in it. And she wants instant effects. But don't you know that learning a foreign language takes a long time, mom? Every time she pushed me too hard, I thought to myself that she must regret treating me like that. As time goes by, I began to understand her doing gradually. I know she loves me and wants me to be the best. And I do want to myself. So mom,don't always force me too hard. It is not helpful. Just give me more time and I won't let you down.
Mom, Please Give Me More Time-妈妈,请再多给我一些时间由点点英语网整理收集

Mom, Please Give Me More Time-妈妈,请再多给我一些时间由点点英语网整理收集 妈妈一直对我管教甚严。但是有时我觉得她过于严厉了。拿我学英语为例吧,她总以为我不用功,而且每次都要立即见成效。可是妈妈,你知道学好一门外语需要很长时间吗?每次她逼我逼得太紧,我总是会想她一定会后悔的。不过随着我慢慢长大。我开始理解妈妈的所作所为了。我知道她是爱我的,她想让我成为最优秀的人。我自己也希望成为最优秀的。所以希望妈妈不要总是这么逼我,这不会有任何效果。给我多一些时间,我不会让您失望的。
Mom, Please Give Me More Time

Mom always keeps a strict hand over me. But I think sometimes she is too strict. Take my studying English as an example. She always regards me as a lazy boy in it. And she wants instant effects. But don't you know that learning a foreign language takes a long time, mom? Every time she pushed me too hard, I thought to myself that she must regret treating me like that. As time goes by, I began to understand her doing gradually. I know she loves me and wants me to be the best. And I do want to myself. So mom,don't always force me too hard. It is not helpful. Just give me more time and I won't let you down.
Mom, Please Give Me More Time-妈妈,请再多给我一些时间由点点英语网整理收集



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