白人优秀 ?
in the first world war, the british forces in africa represented a racial mixture, with the whites often referring contemptuously to their indian colleagues as "coolies". in 1916, the 6th south african infantry went into action in kenya, and were put to flight by a bayonet charge by german askaris. while the white troops fled, the 130th baluchis held their ground and saved the day.
later a mule was sent to the camp of the south african infantry carrying a machine gun the whites had abandoned, along with a note which said, "with the compliments of the 130th baluchis. may we request that you no longer refer to us as coolies."
【解说】俾路支当时是印度的一部分,现属巴基斯坦。savetheday是成语,有「转败为胜」、「化危为安」的意思,例 如 : while everyone thought that we were certain to lose the game, i scored three goals in a row and saved the day ( 人 人 都 以 为 这 次 比 赛 我 们 必 败 , 但 我 连 入 三 球 , 转 败 为 胜 ) 。
白人优秀 ?
【解说】俾路支当时是印度的一部分,现属巴基斯坦。savetheday是成语,有「转败为胜」、「化危为安」的意思,例 如 : while everyone thought that we were certain to lose the game, i scored three goals in a row and saved the day ( 人 人 都 以 为 这 次 比 赛 我 们 必 败 , 但 我 连 入 三 球 , 转 败 为 胜 ) 。
in the first world war, the british forces in africa represented a racial mixture, with the whites often referring contemptuously to their indian colleagues as "coolies". in 1916, the 6th south african infantry went into action in kenya, and were put to flight by a bayonet charge by german askaris. while the white troops fled, the 130th baluchis held their ground and saved the day.
later a mule was sent to the camp of the south african infantry carrying a machine gun the whites had abandoned, along with a note which said, "with the compliments of the 130th baluchis. may we request that you no longer refer to us as coolies."