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In 1940, most artists in Paris were anticipating a German attack and were desperate to sell anything they could before fleeing the city. Giacometti, Man Ray : all eagerly delivered their works to the well-known American heiress Peggy Guggenheim, and few objected to her haggling over price.
Picasso was the great exception. He ignored her pointedly as she hovered in his studio, and when he finally glanced up, what he said was : "Madame, you will find the lingerie department on the second floor."
【 解 说 】 Work 解 作 「 工 作 」 , 是 不 可 数 名 词 ( uncountable noun ) , 不 可 冠以 a , 其 后 也 不 可 加 s ; 但 是 , 解 作 「 艺 术 作 品 」 , 却 是 可 数 名 词 ( countable noun ) , 例 如 : I discovered an early work by Matisse ( 我 发 现 了 马 蒂 斯 的一 幅 早 期 作 品 ) 。
Lingerie 是 女 性 内 衣 , 往 往 兼 指 睡 衣 , 是 不 可 数 名 词 , 例 如 : I found her in fancy lingerie (


【 解 说 】 Work 解 作 「 工 作 」 , 是 不 可 数 名 词 ( uncountable noun ) , 不 可 冠以 a , 其 后 也 不 可 加 s ; 但 是 , 解 作 「 艺 术 作 品 」 , 却 是 可 数 名 词 ( countable noun ) , 例 如 : I discovered an early work by Matisse ( 我 发 现 了 马 蒂 斯 的一 幅 早 期 作 品 ) 。
Lingerie 是 女 性 内 衣 , 往 往 兼 指 睡 衣 , 是 不 可 数 名 词 , 例 如 : I found her in fancy lingerie (

In 1940, most artists in Paris were anticipating a German attack and were desperate to sell anything they could before fleeing the city. Giacometti, Man Ray : all eagerly delivered their works to the well-known American heiress Peggy Guggenheim, and few objected to her haggling over price.
Picasso was the great exception. He ignored her pointedly as she hovered in his studio, and when he finally glanced up, what he said was : "Madame, you will find the lingerie department on the second floor."



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