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凯撒之死 (英中对照)

凯撒之死 (英中对照)

in 49 bc, roman general julius caesar initiated a civil war from which he emerged as the undisputed master of rome. he was made dictator for life in 44 bc, and heavily centralised the bureaucracy of the roman republic. a group of senators, including caesar's long trusted friend brutus, feared his monarchical aspirations, and on the ides of march 44 bc, assassinated the dictator in the senate house, hoping to restore the normal running of the republic.
in the accounts of the assassination by roman historians, caesar is said to have initially resisted his assassins --- until he saw brutus among them, his dagger drawn. caesar then ceased to struggle, crying, "you too, brutus?"

【附注】据说,有占卜师曾叫凯撒提防三月十五日遇险。到了那天,凯撒往元老院之前,把那占卜师叫来,笑道:the ides of marchare come(三月十五日来了)。那占卜师回答:yes,but they are not gone(不错,但还未过去)。今天,be ware the ides of march(提防三月十五日)一语常用来叫人小心祸事将临。



【附注】据说,有占卜师曾叫凯撒提防三月十五日遇险。到了那天,凯撒往元老院之前,把那占卜师叫来,笑道:the ides of marchare come(三月十五日来了)。那占卜师回答:yes,but they are not gone(不错,但还未过去)。今天,be ware the ides of march(提防三月十五日)一语常用来叫人小心祸事将临。

in 49 bc, roman general julius caesar initiated a civil war from which he emerged as the undisputed master of rome. he was made dictator for life in 44 bc, and heavily centralised the bureaucracy of the roman republic. a group of senators, including caesar's long trusted friend brutus, feared his monarchical aspirations, and on the ides of march 44 bc, assassinated the dictator in the senate house, hoping to restore the normal running of the republic.
in the accounts of the assassination by roman historians, caesar is said to have initially resisted his assassins --- until he saw brutus among them, his dagger drawn. caesar then ceased to struggle, crying, "you too, brutus?"



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