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during the french revolution, the principality of monaco was annexed by the french republic in 1793, and the beautiful princess monaco became one of the many victims of the revolution.
on the morning of her execution, after having in vain endeavoured to procure a pair of scissors, she broke one of the panes from the window that was in her room, and with a fragment of the glass sawed off her hair, which she delivered to a confidential friend, to be kept for her children. she then took a pot of rouge, and with the utmost deliberation applied some of it to each of her cheeks, saying in explanation that if she should happen to have a moment of weakness, the populace at least should not have the satisfaction of perceiving it.

在被处死的上午,摩纳哥王妃力求要一把剪刀,未能如愿,于是她打破囚室那扇窗的一块玻璃, 用碎玻璃割下头发,交给一位心腹朋友,留给儿女。然后,她取一盒胭脂,悉心涂抹双颊,并解释说,万一她心里突然感到虚怯,民众至少看不出来。她不要让民众从中得到喜悦。
【附注】 if she should happen to have a moment of weakness的 should字,表示事情不大可能发生;假如改为 if she happened等等,则表示事情较有可能发生。



在被处死的上午,摩纳哥王妃力求要一把剪刀,未能如愿,于是她打破囚室那扇窗的一块玻璃, 用碎玻璃割下头发,交给一位心腹朋友,留给儿女。然后,她取一盒胭脂,悉心涂抹双颊,并解释说,万一她心里突然感到虚怯,民众至少看不出来。她不要让民众从中得到喜悦。
【附注】 if she should happen to have a moment of weakness的 should字,表示事情不大可能发生;假如改为 if she happened等等,则表示事情较有可能发生。

during the french revolution, the principality of monaco was annexed by the french republic in 1793, and the beautiful princess monaco became one of the many victims of the revolution.
on the morning of her execution, after having in vain endeavoured to procure a pair of scissors, she broke one of the panes from the window that was in her room, and with a fragment of the glass sawed off her hair, which she delivered to a confidential friend, to be kept for her children. she then took a pot of rouge, and with the utmost deliberation applied some of it to each of her cheeks, saying in explanation that if she should happen to have a moment of weakness, the populace at least should not have the satisfaction of perceiving it.



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