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before committing suicide, hitler had given precise instructions for disposal of his and his wife's bodies."i do not wish my corpse to be taken to moscow,"he said,"and put on display like a waxwork."

so their bodies were wrapped in a blanket and placed in the garden just outside the fuhrerbunker's emergency exit. hitler's ss adjutant otto gunsche poured gasoline over them and set fire to them. while the bunker was pounded by a heavy russian bombardment, goebbels, bormann, burgdorf, kempke, and gunsche stood at attention and for the last time gave the hitler salute.

the charred remains were found by the russians and buried in magdeburg, east germany. in april 1970, these remains were exhumed, completely cremated, and dispersed in the elbe river.


他们的尸体于是用一张毛毡包起来,放在元首地堡太平门外的花园里。希特勒的党 卫军副官奥托.京舍先在尸体上浇汽油,然后点火焚烧。戈培尔、博尔曼、布格道夫、甘奇、京舍等人就在苏军猛烈轰击地堡声中,一起肃立,最后一次作希特勒式敬礼。





他们的尸体于是用一张毛毡包起来,放在元首地堡太平门外的花园里。希特勒的党 卫军副官奥托.京舍先在尸体上浇汽油,然后点火焚烧。戈培尔、博尔曼、布格道夫、甘奇、京舍等人就在苏军猛烈轰击地堡声中,一起肃立,最后一次作希特勒式敬礼。


before committing suicide, hitler had given precise instructions for disposal of his and his wife's bodies."i do not wish my corpse to be taken to moscow,"he said,"and put on display like a waxwork."

so their bodies were wrapped in a blanket and placed in the garden just outside the fuhrerbunker's emergency exit. hitler's ss adjutant otto gunsche poured gasoline over them and set fire to them. while the bunker was pounded by a heavy russian bombardment, goebbels, bormann, burgdorf, kempke, and gunsche stood at attention and for the last time gave the hitler salute.

the charred remains were found by the russians and buried in magdeburg, east germany. in april 1970, these remains were exhumed, completely cremated, and dispersed in the elbe river.



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