李商隐: 登乐游原/ Li Shangyin: THE LEYOU TOMBS
李商隐: 登乐游原/ li shangyin: the leyou tombs
向晚意不适, 驱车登古原。
夕阳无限好, 只是近黄昏。
the leyou tombs
li shangyin
with twilight shadows in my heart
i have driven up among the leyou tombs
to see the sun, for all his glory,
buried by the coming night.
向晚意不适, 驱车登古原。
夕阳无限好, 只是近黄昏。
the leyou tombs
li shangyin
with twilight shadows in my heart
i have driven up among the leyou tombs
to see the sun, for all his glory,
buried by the coming night.
向晚意不适, 驱车登古原。
夕阳无限好, 只是近黄昏。
李商隐: 登乐游原/ li shangyin: the leyou tombs
the leyou tombs
li shangyin
with twilight shadows in my heart
i have driven up among the leyou tombs
to see the sun, for all his glory,
buried by the coming night.
the leyou tombs
li shangyin
with twilight shadows in my heart
i have driven up among the leyou tombs
to see the sun, for all his glory,
buried by the coming night.