刘长卿: 弹琴/ Liu Changqing: ON HEARING A LUTE-PLAYER
刘长卿: 弹琴/ liu changqing: on hearing a lute-player
泠泠七弦上, 静听松风寒。
古调虽自爱, 今人多不弹。
on hearing a lute-player
liu changqing
your seven strings are like the voice
of a cold wind in the pines,
singing old beloved songs
which no one cares for any more.
泠泠七弦上, 静听松风寒。
古调虽自爱, 今人多不弹。
on hearing a lute-player
liu changqing
your seven strings are like the voice
of a cold wind in the pines,
singing old beloved songs
which no one cares for any more.
泠泠七弦上, 静听松风寒。
古调虽自爱, 今人多不弹。
刘长卿: 弹琴/ liu changqing: on hearing a lute-player
on hearing a lute-player
liu changqing
your seven strings are like the voice
of a cold wind in the pines,
singing old beloved songs
which no one cares for any more.
on hearing a lute-player
liu changqing
your seven strings are like the voice
of a cold wind in the pines,
singing old beloved songs
which no one cares for any more.