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杜甫: 咏怀古迹五首(之三)/ Du Fu: THOUGHTS OF OLD TIME III

杜甫: 咏怀古迹五首(之三)/ Du Fu: THOUGHTS OF OLD TIME III

杜甫: 咏怀古迹五首(之三)/ du fu: thoughts of old time iii
群山万壑赴荆门, 生长明妃尚有村。
一去紫台连朔漠, 独留青冢向黄昏。
画图省识春风面, 环佩空归月下魂。
千载琵琶作胡语, 分明怨恨曲中论。
thoughts of old time iii
du fu
ten thousand ranges and valleys approach the jing gate
and the village in which the lady of light was born and bred.
she went out from the purple palace into the desertland;
she has now become a green grave in the yellow dusk.
her face ! can you picture a wind of the spring?

her spirit by moonlight returns with a tinkling
song of the tartars on her jade guitar,
telling her eternal sorrow.

群山万壑赴荆门, 生长明妃尚有村。
一去紫台连朔漠, 独留青冢向黄昏。
画图省识春风面, 环佩空归月下魂。
千载琵琶作胡语, 分明怨恨曲中论。

杜甫: 咏怀古迹五首(之三)/ du fu: thoughts of old time iii
thoughts of old time iii
du fu
ten thousand ranges and valleys approach the jing gate
and the village in which the lady of light was born and bred.
she went out from the purple palace into the desertland;
she has now become a green grave in the yellow dusk.
her face ! can you picture a wind of the spring?
her spirit by moonlight returns with a tinkling
song of the tartars on her jade guitar,
telling her eternal sorrow.



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