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元稹: 遣悲怀(之三)/ Yuan Zhen: AN ELEGY III

元稹: 遣悲怀(之三)/ Yuan Zhen: AN ELEGY III

元稹: 遣悲怀(之三)/ yuan zhen: an elegy iii
闲坐悲君亦自悲, 百年都是几多时?
邓攸无子寻知命, 潘岳悼亡犹费词。
同穴窅冥何所望? 他生缘会更难期。
惟将终夜长开眼, 报答平生未展眉。
an elegy iii
yuan zhen
i sit here alone, mourning for us both.
how many years do i lack now of my threescore and ten?
there have been better men than i to whom heaven denied a son,
there was a poet better than i whose dead wife could not hear him.
what have i to hope for in the darkness of our tomb?
you and i had little faith in a meeting after death-
yet my open eyes can see all night
that lifelong trouble of your brow.

闲坐悲君亦自悲, 百年都是几多时?
邓攸无子寻知命, 潘岳悼亡犹费词。
同穴窅冥何所望? 他生缘会更难期。
惟将终夜长开眼, 报答平生未展眉。
元稹: 遣悲怀(之三)/ yuan zhen: an elegy iii
an elegy iii
yuan zhen
i sit here alone, mourning for us both.
how many years do i lack now of my threescore and ten?
there have been better men than i to whom heaven denied a son,
there was a poet better than i whose dead wife could not hear him.
what have i to hope for in the darkness of our tomb?
you and i had little faith in a meeting after death-
yet my open eyes can see all night
that lifelong trouble of your brow.



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