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韦应物: 赋得暮雨送李曹

韦应物: 赋得暮雨送李曹

韦应物: 赋得暮雨送李曹/ wei yingwu: a farewell in the evening rain to li cao
楚江微雨里, 建业暮钟时。
漠漠帆来重, 冥冥鸟去迟。
海门深不见, 浦树远含滋。
相送情无限, 沾襟比散丝。
a farewell in the evening rain to li cao
wei yingwu
is it raining on the river all the way to chu? -- -
the evening bell comes to us from nanjing.
your wet sail drags and is loath to be going
and shadowy birds are flying slow.
we cannot see the deep ocean-gate --
only the boughs at pukou, newly dripping.
likewise, because of our great love,
there are threads of water on our faces.

楚江微雨里, 建业暮钟时。
漠漠帆来重, 冥冥鸟去迟。
海门深不见, 浦树远含滋。
相送情无限, 沾襟比散丝。
韦应物: 赋得暮雨送李曹/ wei yingwu: a farewell in the evening rain to li cao
a farewell in the evening rain to li cao
wei yingwu
is it raining on the river all the way to chu? -- -
the evening bell comes to us from nanjing.
your wet sail drags and is loath to be going
and shadowy birds are flying slow.
we cannot see the deep ocean-gate --
only the boughs at pukou, newly dripping.
likewise, because of our great love,
there are threads of water on our faces.



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