李白: 渡荆门送别
李白: 渡荆门送别/ li bai: bidding a friend farewell at jingmen ferry
渡远荆门外, 来从楚国游。
山随平野尽, 江入大荒流。
月下飞天镜, 云生结海楼。
仍怜故乡水, 万里送行舟。
bidding a friend farewell at jingmen ferry
li bai
sailing far off from jingmen ferry,
soon you will be with people in the south,
where the mountains end and the plains begin
and the river winds through wilderness....
the moon is lifted like a mirror,
sea-clouds gleam like palaces,
and the water has brought you a touch of home
to draw your boat three hundred miles.
渡远荆门外, 来从楚国游。
山随平野尽, 江入大荒流。
月下飞天镜, 云生结海楼。
仍怜故乡水, 万里送行舟。
bidding a friend farewell at jingmen ferry
li bai
sailing far off from jingmen ferry,
soon you will be with people in the south,
where the mountains end and the plains begin
and the river winds through wilderness....
the moon is lifted like a mirror,
sea-clouds gleam like palaces,
and the water has brought you a touch of home
to draw your boat three hundred miles.
渡远荆门外, 来从楚国游。
山随平野尽, 江入大荒流。
月下飞天镜, 云生结海楼。
仍怜故乡水, 万里送行舟。
李白: 渡荆门送别/ li bai: bidding a friend farewell at jingmen ferry
bidding a friend farewell at jingmen ferry
li bai
sailing far off from jingmen ferry,
soon you will be with people in the south,
where the mountains end and the plains begin
and the river winds through wilderness....
the moon is lifted like a mirror,
sea-clouds gleam like palaces,
and the water has brought you a touch of home
to draw your boat three hundred miles.
bidding a friend farewell at jingmen ferry
li bai
sailing far off from jingmen ferry,
soon you will be with people in the south,
where the mountains end and the plains begin
and the river winds through wilderness....
the moon is lifted like a mirror,
sea-clouds gleam like palaces,
and the water has brought you a touch of home
to draw your boat three hundred miles.