崔颢: 长干行二首(之一)/ Cui Hao: A SONG OF CHANGGAN I
崔颢: 长干行二首(之一)/ cui hao: a song of changgan i
君家何处住, 妾住在横塘。
停船暂借问, 或恐是同乡。
a song of changgan i
cui hao
"tell me, where do you live? --
near here, by the fishing-pool?
let's hold our boats together, let's see
if we belong in the same town."
君家何处住, 妾住在横塘。
停船暂借问, 或恐是同乡。
a song of changgan i
cui hao
"tell me, where do you live? --
near here, by the fishing-pool?
let's hold our boats together, let's see
if we belong in the same town."
君家何处住, 妾住在横塘。
停船暂借问, 或恐是同乡。
崔颢: 长干行二首(之一)/ cui hao: a song of changgan i
a song of changgan i
cui hao
"tell me, where do you live? --
near here, by the fishing-pool?
let's hold our boats together, let's see
if we belong in the same town."
a song of changgan i
cui hao
"tell me, where do you live? --
near here, by the fishing-pool?
let's hold our boats together, let's see
if we belong in the same town."