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英语诗歌Lady Lazarus-美国自白派女诗人Sylvia Plath代表作

英语诗歌Lady Lazarus-美国自白派女诗人Sylvia Plath代表作

lady lazarus 美国自白派女诗人sylvia plath 于1962年的经典诗作。
by sylvia plath
i have done it again.
one year in every ten
i manage it ——
a sort of waling miracle, my skin
bright as a nazi lampshade,
my right foot
a paperweight,
my face a featureless, fine
jew linen.
peel off the napkin
o my enemy.
do i terrify? ——
the nose, the eye pits, the full set of teeth?

the sour breath
will vanish in a day.
soon, soon the flesh
the grave cave ate will be
at home on me
and i a smiling woman.
i am only thirty.
and like the cat i have nine times to die.
this is number three.
what a trash
to annihilate each decade.
what a million filaments.
the peanut-crunching crowd
shoves in to see

them upwrap me hand and foot——
the big strip tease.
gentlemen, ladies
these are my hands
my knees.
i may be skin and bone,
nevertheless,i am the same, identical woman.
the first time it happened i was ten.
it was an accident.
the second time i meant
to last it out and not come back at all.
i rocked shut
as a seashell.
they had to call and call

and pick the worms off me like sticky pearls.
is an art, like everything else.
i do it exceptionally well.
i do it so it feels like hell.
i do it so it feels real.
i guess you could say i've a call.
it's easy enough to do it in a cell.
it's easy enough to do it and stay put.
it's the theatrical
comeback in broad day
to the same place, the same face, the same brute
amused shout:
'a miracle!'

that knocks me out.
there is a charge.
for the eyeing of my scars, there is a charge
for the hearing of my heart——
it really goes.
and there is a charge, a very large charge
for a word or a touch
or a bit of blood
or a piece of my hair or my clothes.
so, so, herr doktor.
so, herr enemy.
i am your opus,
i am your valuable,
the pure gold baby

that melts to a shriek.
i turn and burn.
do not think i underestimate your great concern.
ash, ash——
you poke and stir.
flesh, bone, there is nothing there——
a cake of soap,
a wedding ring,
a gold filling.
herr god, herr lucifer
out of the ash
i rise with my red hair

and i eat men like air.

普拉丝生前出版的诗集有《巨神像》(the colossus),死后出版的有《精灵》(ariel),《渡河》(crossing the water)和《冬树》(winter trees)。人性经验被描绘成恐怖且无法驾驭,人际关系也像傀儡似地毫无意义,这两大主题左右着她的想象;她的诗具有独特的风格和技巧,忧郁的气质和苦痛的经验弥漫其间。
普拉丝的诗多描写内心世界,交织着苦痛、抑郁、嘲讽和淡淡的喜悦,尤其她晚期的作品是在一种极端神经质和创作力旺盛的情况下写成的,有时意象转换扭曲得很厉害,我们读她的诗作时,似乎只是及时抓住了几组意象,而无法掌握全诗。她曾这样形容自己晚期的诗:「瘦瘦长长的,像我自己一样。」当然,绝不仅止于形体上的相像,这些诗是普拉丝企图反击并超越那些萦绕其心的许多感情郁结的记录,在英文作品中几乎很难找出与之匹敌者;我们可以说她的作品往往是一个小小的寓言,她企图透过寓言的建立来超越原来的处境或心境,正如艾佛瑞兹(a. alvarez)所说:「这种秩序的诗作是残酷的艺术。」如果普拉丝活得久些,这类诗是否会更上一层楼,谁也没法预言,因为她的诗作和死亡是密不可分的。如今她的诗名和作品都被人们渲染上几分传奇的色彩,和第一次世界大战初布鲁克(rupert brooke)的诗名相当。由于她是近代作家,我们无法腾出时间的距离来评估她在文学史上的最终地位,她诗中过于狂烈、过于内塑的语调是否对后代读者也具有同样的冲击力,我们留待时间来裁定。


lady lazarus 美国自白派女诗人sylvia plath 于1962年的经典诗作。

普拉丝生前出版的诗集有《巨神像》(the colossus),死后出版的有《精灵》(ariel),《渡河》(crossing the water)和《冬树》(winter trees)。人性经验被描绘成恐怖且无法驾驭,人际关系也像傀儡似地毫无意义,这两大主题左右着她的想象;她的诗具有独特的风格和技巧,忧郁的气质和苦痛的经验弥漫其间。
普拉丝的诗多描写内心世界,交织着苦痛、抑郁、嘲讽和淡淡的喜悦,尤其她晚期的作品是在一种极端神经质和创作力旺盛的情况下写成的,有时意象转换扭曲得很厉害,我们读她的诗作时,似乎只是及时抓住了几组意象,而无法掌握全诗。她曾这样形容自己晚期的诗:「瘦瘦长长的,像我自己一样。」当然,绝不仅止于形体上的相像,这些诗是普拉丝企图反击并超越那些萦绕其心的许多感情郁结的记录,在英文作品中几乎很难找出与之匹敌者;我们可以说她的作品往往是一个小小的寓言,她企图透过寓言的建立来超越原来的处境或心境,正如艾佛瑞兹(a. alvarez)所说:「这种秩序的诗作是残酷的艺术。」如果普拉丝活得久些,这类诗是否会更上一层楼,谁也没法预言,因为她的诗作和死亡是密不可分的。如今她的诗名和作品都被人们渲染上几分传奇的色彩,和第一次世界大战初布鲁克(rupert brooke)的诗名相当。由于她是近代作家,我们无法腾出时间的距离来评估她在文学史上的最终地位,她诗中过于狂烈、过于内塑的语调是否对后代读者也具有同样的冲击力,我们留待时间来裁定。

by sylvia plath
i have done it again.
one year in every ten
i manage it ——
a sort of waling miracle, my skin
bright as a nazi lampshade,
my right foot
a paperweight,
my face a featureless, fine
jew linen.
peel off the napkin
o my enemy.
do i terrify? ——
the nose, the eye pits, the full set of teeth?
the sour breath
will vanish in a day.
soon, soon the flesh
the grave cave ate will be
at home on me
and i a smiling woman.
i am only thirty.
and like the cat i have nine times to die.
this is number three.
what a trash
to annihilate each decade.
what a million filaments.
the peanut-crunching crowd
shoves in to see
them upwrap me hand and foot——
the big strip tease.
gentlemen, ladies
these are my hands
my knees.
i may be skin and bone,
nevertheless,i am the same, identical woman.
the first time it happened i was ten.
it was an accident.
the second time i meant
to last it out and not come back at all.
i rocked shut
as a seashell.
they had to call and call
and pick the worms off me like sticky pearls.
is an art, like everything else.
i do it exceptionally well.
i do it so it feels like hell.
i do it so it feels real.
i guess you could say i've a call.
it's easy enough to do it in a cell.
it's easy enough to do it and stay put.
it's the theatrical
comeback in broad day
to the same place, the same face, the same brute
amused shout:
'a miracle!'
that knocks me out.
there is a charge.
for the eyeing of my scars, there is a charge
for the hearing of my heart——
it really goes.
and there is a charge, a very large charge
for a word or a touch
or a bit of blood
or a piece of my hair or my clothes.
so, so, herr doktor.
so, herr enemy.
i am your opus,
i am your valuable,
the pure gold baby
that melts to a shriek.
i turn and burn.
do not think i underestimate your great concern.
ash, ash——
you poke and stir.
flesh, bone, there is nothing there——
a cake of soap,
a wedding ring,
a gold filling.
herr god, herr lucifer
out of the ash
i rise with my red hair
and i eat men like air.



北师大版三年级上册英语书三年级上册英语书 人教版三年级下册英语书三年级下册英语书 人教版三年级上册英语书三年级上册英语书 仁爱版九年级上册英语书九年级上册英语书 仁爱版八年级下册英语书八年级下册英语书 仁爱版八年级上册英语书八年级上册英语书