● 诗人聂鲁达说〝情短,忘却长〞
"love is so short, and oblivion so long" ─ pablo neruda
● 诗人缪赛说〝爱留下伤痕... 但也教人忘记痛过〞
"whoever has loved bears a scar. but sometimes he forgets about it." ─ de musset
● 〝爱情突如闪电,出其不意乍现〞19世纪作家赖高德
"love is like lightning, who knows where it'll strike until it does." ─ henri lacordaire
● 惠特曼说〝有你相伴,遗世无憾〞
"we were together, i forgot the rest of the world." ─ walt whitman
● 〝我们由梦的元素构成〞莎士比亚
"we are such stuff as dreams are made of." ─ william shakespeare
● 巴尔扎克说〝暮色的爱如本弃书〞
"a night of love is one book less read." ─ balzac
● 丁尼生说〝痛过,强过未爱过〞
"it's better to have loved and lost, than never loved at all." ─ tennyson
● 〝真爱犹如鬼魅,众口相传,然目击者鲜矣〞法国箴言作家-拉罗什富科
"true love is like ghosts. everyone talks about them, but few have ever really seen one. " ─ la rouchefoucauld
● 诗人聂鲁达说〝情短,忘却长〞
● 诗人缪赛说〝爱留下伤痕... 但也教人忘记痛过〞
● 〝爱情突如闪电,出其不意乍现〞19世纪作家赖高德
● 惠特曼说〝有你相伴,遗世无憾〞
● 〝我们由梦的元素构成〞莎士比亚
● 巴尔扎克说〝暮色的爱如本弃书〞
● 丁尼生说〝痛过,强过未爱过〞
● 〝真爱犹如鬼魅,众口相传,然目击者鲜矣〞法国箴言作家-拉罗什富科
"love is so short, and oblivion so long" ─ pablo neruda
"whoever has loved bears a scar. but sometimes he forgets about it." ─ de musset
"love is like lightning, who knows where it'll strike until it does." ─ henri lacordaire
"we were together, i forgot the rest of the world." ─ walt whitman
"we are such stuff as dreams are made of." ─ william shakespeare
"a night of love is one book less read." ─ balzac
"it's better to have loved and lost, than never loved at all." ─ tennyson
"true love is like ghosts. everyone talks about them, but few have ever really seen one. " ─ la rouchefoucauld