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1. “breathe. know that the internet has no eraser.” (liz strauss)
2. “i’ve long advised that bloggers seeking to make money from blogging spread their interests across multiple revenue streams so as not to put all their eggs in one basket.” (darren rowse)
3. “all you future google whores might want to pay attention to what i’m about to reveal.” (john chow)
4. “the fact of the matter is, if you can start up a local blog about the independent hip-hop scene in seattle or the financial side of the restaurant business or the intersection of immigration and entrepreneurship, you’ve got a far better shot at becoming a leader in your field.” (rand fishkin)

5. “i think i am about 5 for 500 when it comes to successful ideas vs flops.” (jeremy schoemaker)
6. “readers subscribe to blogs when they provide an informational or entertainment value so great that it would be a loss to not subscribe to it.” (maki)
7. “i think the pleasure of completed work is what makes blogging so popular. you have to believe most bloggers have few if any actual readers. the writers are in it for other reasons. blogging is like work, but without coworkers thwarting you at every turn. all you get is the pleasure of a completed task.” (scott adams)
8. “and it occurred to me that there is no such thing as blogging. there is no such thing as a blogger. blogging is just writing — writing using a particularly efficient type of publishing technology.” (simon dumenco)
9. “when it comes to building your business, there are 4 words that should be echoing in your mind throughout the day; they are do it fucking now.” (quadszilla)

10. “without the new york times, there is no blog community. they’d have nothing to blog about.” (malcolm gladwell)
11. “i am, in full disclosure, a member of the media elite. i’m a conde nast editor, run a glossy mainstream magazine, spent much of my career at the economist and consort with known journalists. but nothing annoys me more than the oft-heard assertion within media circles that without us blogs would be nothing.” (chris anderson)
12. “making money from blogging requires you to do only two things: drive a lot traffic, then maximize the income from that traffic.” (john chow)
13. “don’t focus on having a great blog. focus on producing a blog that’s great for your readers.” (brian clark)
14. “ok, i’m starting a blog. why shouldn’t an officer of a public company start a blog? hey, life is short. at some point, take regfd to its logical extreme, and this is how we’re all going to be communicating anyways. think about it.” (jonathan schwartz)

15. “people have often described me as a blogger. i generally shy away from the term because, to me, bloggers are boring, self obsessed narcissists who use their website mainly as a means to discuss the inconsequential minutiae of their day to day lives.” (anonymous writer)
16. “i believe the term “blog” means more than an online journal. i believe a blog is a conversation. people go to blogs to read and write, not just consume.” (michael arrington)
17. “it’s funny that when people reach a certain age, such as after graduating college, they assume it’s time to go out and get a job. but like many things the masses do, just because everyone does it doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.” (steve pavlina)
18. “but there’s a bigger trend i’m seeing: people who used to enjoy blogging their lives are now moving to twitter.” (robert scoble)
19. “i guess my point is, if you’re one of these people considering giving up on blogging in exchange for paying more attention to facebook, twitter, youtube and myspace, or whatever they throw at us mere mortals, bear in mind you are giving up on something rather unique and wonderful.” (hugh macleod)

20. “when i started writing this blog more than 3 years ago, it was in response to traditional media’s habit of twisting interviews to fit the headlines they wanted to create.” (mark cuban)
21. “i’ve developed some deep relationships over the past couple of years blogging and i realize that those relationships manifest themselves in the links i find when i do my 28x a daily ego search over at technorati.” (jason calacanis)
22. “the lazysphere - a working definition - is a group of bloggers who i won’t name by name, but you can spot them a mile away. rather than create new ideas or pen thoughtful essays, they simply glom on to the latest news with another “me too” blog post.” (steve rubel)
23. “game changing innovations are few and far between. they are usually simple concepts to describe but when they arrive it takes time to fully realize their importance and impact. television was a game-changer, mobile phones were a game-changer, and blogging is also one.” (collis ta’eed)

24. “while some bloggers in networks are making pennies per the hour the network ceo’s and support staff are raking in huge salaries and getting vc money to help furnish their homes. i don’t like it. it smells funny.” (david krug)
25. “the bottom line is that blogging is like sex. you can’t fake it. you can’t fake passion. you can’t fake wanting to engage with the public. if you do, it will ultimately be an unsatisfying experience for both the blogger and their readers.” (kevin anderson -)
26. “blogs, social networks, newspapers, any other form of publication - all have social aspects to them. it is a spectrum really, with social networks at one extreme and a 19th century novel at the other. but there’s room for all types of social publishing platforms.” (richard macmanus)
27. “i read blogs every day, for all sorts of reasons, but i turn to blogs especially when i want to hear alternative viewpoints — for example, information on a particular medical treatment from the viewpoint of patients receiving it, rather than doctors administering it; reports from the battlefield seen through the eyes of soldiers rather than politicians; thoughts on a particular technology from the standpoint of engineers rather than executives.” (jim buckmaster)

28. “in truth, the real opportunities for building authority and buzz through social media have only just begun. you simply have to look and see where things are going instead of where they’ve been.” (brian clark)
29. “blogs are already moving upmarket and improving. the term “professional blogger” is no longer an oxymoron. some in the traditional media realize this – espn, for example, recently purchased the popular basketball blog truehoop.com to complement its other online news offerings.” (luke langford)
30. “so forget about blogs and bloggers and blogging and focus on this — the cost and difficulty of publishing absolutely anything, by anyone, into a global medium, just got a whole lot lower. and the effects of that increased pool of potential producers is going to be vast.” (clay shirky)
31. “it should feel genuinely good to earn income from your blog — you should be driven by a healthy ambition to succeed. if your blog provides genuine value, you fully deserve to earn income from it.” (steve pavlina)

32. “the internet destroyed most of the barriers to publication. the cost of being a publisher dropped to almost zero with two interesting immediate results: anybody can publish, and more importantly, you can publish whatever you want.” (dick costolo)
33. “the more popular a person thinks he is in the blogosphere, the thinner his skin and the thicker his hypocrisy. this should be exactly the opposite: the higher you go the thicker the skin and thinner the hypocrisy.” (guy kawasaki)
34. “if this prinicpal thinks blogging isn’t educational, he needs his head examined: he should be seeking out every student blogger in the school and giving them special time to blog more — and giving them extra credit besides.” (cory doctorow)
35. “blogs can help bring humanity back into the workplace. we have become so concerned with communicating numbers and processes that employees have forgotten how to build relationships. how can companies ask employees to provide superior service and innovative thinking when everything they see and hear flies in the face of that? blogs help create a culture that supports those behaviors.” (michael wiley)

36. “the sad truth is most bloggers, even those who incessantly work on monetization strategies, end up sitting around the few dollars a day mark and find it difficult to rise above this level.” (yaro starak)
37. “just as we don’t spend a lot of time worrying about how all those poets out there are going to monetize their poetry, the same is true for most bloggers.” (seth godin)
38. “one company i work with showed me how the traffic on his company’s site doubled since they started blogging. in fact, the blog (inexpensive) has more visitors and views than the corporate website (expensive). well, there’s some measurable roi in that case.” (mike sansone)
39. “i found myself declaiming, full flower, for an hour on the “utmost importance and urgency” of blogging, telling him in no uncertain terms that, especially in a high-end niche business, blogging is “the premier way” to have “intimate conversations” with his clients. funny thing, i believe it!” (tom peters)

40. “in china, blogs enable millions of citizens to express their opinions with reduced political risk simply because of the sheer number of like-minded opinions online. facing these independent voices, the old ideological machine starts to crumble.” (xiao qiang)
41. “the currency of blogging is authenticity and trust… you pay folks to blog about a product and you compromise that. i would almost care about this, but it’s so obvious to everyone that this is either a joke or an idiot that there is nothing more to say.” (jason calacanis)
42. “looking back on the event, i find myself thinking there are three approaches to journalism represented here. one is the “cool” approach of traditional journalism, including network broadcasting (in which npr is no exception). one is the “hot” approach of talk radio, which has since expanded to tv sports networks and now fox tv. the third is the engaged approach of weblogging.” (doc searls)

43. “some blogs have become the best check on monopoly mainstream journalism, and they provide a surprisingly frequent source of initiative reporting.” (harold evans)
44. “yes, blogging is entertainment. it is performance. each blog post a show, sometimes an opera, sometimes a 30 second commercial. like a show, it may start with a bang, lead you along from song to song, have a great climatic moment, then leave the audience wanting more.” (lorelle van fossen)
45. “as i have repeatedly written in one form or other, blogging is not about writing posts. heck, that’s the least of your challenges. no, blogging is about cultivating a mutually beneficial relationships with an ever-growing online readership, and that’s hard work.” (alister cameron)
46. “the reason blogging is often put into the passive category is because if you use direct monetization through adsense, banners, etc, you earn while you sleep.” (chris garrett)

47. “unless you restrict your reading habits to a really small segment of the blogging population, or you are a blogging machine like robert scoble, a feed reader is only going to give you a small window of what is happening in the blogosphere.” (andy beard )
48. “to be sure, the blogosphere is subject to all of the same risks as the internet itself. many blogs are loaded with vanity posts, half-truths, rumors, and even intentional distortions.” (christopher cox)
49. “in at least one way we are atypical bloggers. that’s because we just keep on posting. the typical blogger, like most people who go on diets and budgets, quits after a few months, weeks, or in many cases, days.” (stephen j. dubner)
50. “blogging is good for your career. a well-executed blog sets you apart as an expert in your field.” (penelope trunk)

1.“深呼吸。要知道网络是没有橡皮擦的。” (liz strauss)

2.“我一直建议博主们寻找通过写博客来传播自己的爱好以扩大收益源流,才不至于把所有鸡蛋放在一个篮子里。” (darren rowse)
3.“你今后所有的谷歌搜索也许都需要关注我要透露的一切。” (john chow)
4.“其实呢,如果你创建一个当地博客,写写关于西雅图独出心裁的街舞场景或者餐饮业的财务方面、移民和创业家的交叉点,你就很有可能成为你领域的领先者。” (rand fishkin)
5.“当谈到成功的创意与失败的创意的比例,我想我大概就5比500吧.”(jeremy schoemaker)
7.“我认为正是人们完成工作后的愉快才使得博客这么流行。你不得不相信大多数博主只拥有少数真正的读者。因为其他原因,作者也在其中。写博客就像工作,只是在每一个机会面前没有同事出来阻挠你罢了。你所得到的其实就是完成工作后的喜悦。” (scott adams)

8.“在我看来,没有什么和写博客一样,也没有什么和博主一样。写博客其实就是写作——用一种特别高效的出版技术写作。” (simon dumenco)
9.“谈到拓展业务,你的心里应该时刻回响这几个字,就是‘该死的现在就动手吧。’” (quadszilla)
10.“没有纽约时代周刊就没有博客社区。他们就没有什么要博客的。” (malcolm gladwell)
11. “我可以完全公开地说,我是传媒界精英的一员,是康德纳斯出版集团的编辑,经营引领服饰潮流的杂志,我的大部分职业生涯花在了《经济学家》上,身旁常伴随着知名的新闻记者。但在媒体界中经常听到有人断言,说什么没有我们博客就什么都不是,没有什么比这更让我恼火的了。”(chris anderson)
12.“靠博客赚钱只需做两件事:创造高的点击率,然后从流量上最大限度地增加收入。” (john chow)

13.“不要把注意力集中在拥有一个非凡的博客上面。而应想想如何为读者创建一个令人满意的博客。” (brian clark)
14.“好,我要开始写博客了,谁说上市公司的主管不可能创建博客?嘿嘿,生命短暂。在某种情况下,接受条例fd合乎常理的最大限度,不管怎样,这是我们都想要传达的。想一下吧。” (jonathan schwartz)
16.“我认为博客这个词语不仅仅意味着网络日志。我觉得博客是交谈。人们上博客读读写写,并非只是耗费时间。” (michael arrington)
17.“人们达到一定岁数时,比如大学毕业,他们就认为该出去找工作了。但像许多事情一样,只是因为大伙儿都做这件事,并不意味这就是个好主意。” (steve pavlina)

18.“但是我看到一个越来越明显的趋势:那些曾经享受在博客上晒生活的人,现在逐渐转向twitter了。” (robert scoble)
19.“我觉得我的观点是,假如你是这些人中的一个,认为放弃博客以便更多关注脸谱网站、twitter博客网、优兔网和聚友网,或者大家抛给我们凡夫俗子的其他类似事物,记住,你是在放弃相当独特且精彩的东西。” (hugh macleod)
20.“三年多前我开始写这个博客,是为了回应传统媒体习惯于歪曲采访以迎合他们想要的大字标题。” (mark cuban)
21.“在过去的几年里我和博客产生了很深的联系,28岁时我每天用technorati博客搜索引擎搜索自己,发现在链结中明显表露那些联系。”(jason calacanis)
22.“懒人世界——一个惯用的定义——是说一群写博客的人,在此我不想一一列举他们的名字,但你可以在一英里开外就能认出他们。没有新思想或笔深熟虑的文章,他们只不过把最新的消息据为己有,加上一个‘我也这么想’然后就贴到博客上。” (steve rubel)

23.“创新的游戏极少发生。它们通常只需用简单的想法来描述,然而它们到来时却需要我们花费时间去认识其影响和重要性。电视是个大转变,手机是个大转变,博客也是其中一个。” (collis ta’eed)
24.“博手们每小时从网络赚取一点小钱,而网络的总裁和辅助人员却在迅速获取高额薪水和风投财富来装饰他们的家。我不喜欢这样,感觉很可笑。”(david krug)
25.“说到底,博客就像性。你不能逢场作戏,不能伪装激情,不能假装和民众心意相通。如果你偏要这么做,那么对博手和读者双方来说最终是不会令人满意的。” (kevin anderson -)
26.“博客、社交网络、报纸,还有其他发行形式——都有社会因素在其中。这其实是个范畴,一个极端是社会网络,另一个极端是19世纪的小说。但总有各种社会发行平台类型的空间。” (richard macmanus)

27. “出于种种原因,我每天都看博客,想听到一些不同寻常的观点时我就尤其关注博客——比如说,从接受治疗的患者而非提供医疗的医生那里知道某种医疗的信息;从战地士兵而非政客那儿看到的报道;从工程师而非主管人员的观点了解对待某项技术的想法。” (jim buckmaster)
28。“说实话,依靠社会媒体树立权威和制造话题的真正机会才刚刚开始。你只需瞧瞧事情进展的方向,而不是事件的起因。”(brian clark)
29.“博客早已朝着高级和改善的方向发展了。‘职业博客写手’这一措词不再是一个矛盾修辞。比如美国娱乐体育频道最近购买了备受大众欢迎的篮球博客truehoop.com,来补充它在线提供的新闻。”(luke langford)
30.“先把博客博主和写博放在一边,把注意力放在这儿上——任何人在全球性的媒体上出版任何刊物的费用和难度总体上大大降低。这样的结果就是增加的潜在写手将会是海量的。”(clay shirky)

31.“从自己的博客上赚钱应该感到由衷地高兴——一个人应该在正常合理的抱负驱策下去寻求成功。如果你的博客能提供真正的价值,那你就完全有资格从中获得利润。”(steve pavlina)
32.“网络消除了发表的多数障碍。成为出版者的成本几乎降为零,并且立即产生两个有意思的结果:每个人都可以发表,更重要的是想发表什么就发表什么。”(dick costolo)
33.“一个人越是认为自己在博客圈里受欢迎,他的脸皮就越薄,为人就越真诚。但事实正好相反,他越是觉得自己受欢迎,他脸皮就越厚,为人就越虚伪。” (guy kawasaki)
34.“要是哪位校长认为博客没什么教育意义,那他应该检查检查自己的智商:他应该找出学校里每个写博客的学生,给他们更多时间写博客——再加上额外的学分。”(cory doctorow)

35.“博客有助于把人性带回工作场所。我们变得如此关注交流的人数和过程,以至于员工们忘记怎样建立人际关系了。公司怎么能要求员工提供优质服务和创新点子,要是他们的所见所闻不符合期望目标?博客有利于创造支持那些行为的文化。”(michael wiley)
36.“可悲的事实是大多数博手,甚至那些不段研究挣钱策略的博手,最终也只是一天守着一点钱无所事事,感觉很难超过这个数目。”(yaro starak)
37.“正如我们不会花太多时间去担心那些诗人是如何把他们的诗作转换为金钱的一样,对于大多数的博客写作者来说也是如此。”(seth godin)
38.“我所上班的公司给我看自从公司开设博客后,网站流量翻了一番。其实,博客(便宜的)比公司网站(昂贵的)有更多的访问者和看法。那么,如果是那样的话,投资收益率有相当多是可预见的。”(mike sansone)

39.“我发现自己简直是慷慨陈词,充满智慧,足足一小时我在‘最重要最紧急的’博客上充满自信地告诉他,尤其对于高端缝隙企业,博客是和客户进行‘密切交谈’的‘最佳方式’。真有趣,我相信!”(tom peters)
41.“博客的流行是真实性和信赖……你付钱给大伙儿在博客上宣传一种产品,之后你却放弃了。我差一点就喜欢上它,但这对每个人来说太明显了,这要么是个笑话要么就是个没话可说的傻瓜。”(jason calacanis)
42.“回忆起来,我发现自己在思考新网业中的三种方法。一种是传统新闻业的‘冷’处理,包括电视广播(国家公共无线电台也不例外)。一种是电台谈话节目的‘热’处理,这已经扩展到电视运动节目和现在的福克斯电视。第三种使用中的方法就是博客。”(doc searls)

43.“有些博客已经成为核查占垄断地位的新闻业的最好途径,并且提供了相当多常见的最初报道。”(harold evans)
44.“对,博客是种娱乐,是种表演。每个博客展示一出表演,有时是一场歌剧,有时是一段30秒的广告。像一出表演,它有时是以嘣的一声开始,让你一首接一首歌听下去,它有绝妙的高潮,让观众想看更多。”(lorelle van fossen)
45.“正如我再三地以某种形式写过,博客并非是发表帖子。真见鬼,那是最缺乏挑战性的。不,博客要和日益增长的在线读者建立互利关系,这并不简单。”(alister cameron)
46.“博客常常被划分为消极的东西,是因为人们通过谷歌广告、各种广告条等方式直接赚钱,即使睡觉时也不例外。”(alister cameron)

48.“不可否认,博客世界也承受着和网络自身一样的所有风险。许多博客充斥着自负的帖子、半真半假的陈词、流言飞语,甚至是有意的曲解。 ”(christopher cox)
49.“至少从某种意义上说,我们不是典型的博客写手。因为我们只是不停地贴帖子。典型的博客写手像大多数节食或对开支进行预算的人一样,几个月、几周或更多情况下才几天就放弃了。”(stephen j. dubner)
50“博客对职业是有好处的。一个制作精良的博客能让你成为你领域的行家。”(penelope trunk)

1.“深呼吸。要知道网络是没有橡皮擦的。” (liz strauss)

2.“我一直建议博主们寻找通过写博客来传播自己的爱好以扩大收益源流,才不至于把所有鸡蛋放在一个篮子里。” (darren rowse)
3.“你今后所有的谷歌搜索也许都需要关注我要透露的一切。” (john chow)
4.“其实呢,如果你创建一个当地博客,写写关于西雅图独出心裁的街舞场景或者餐饮业的财务方面、移民和创业家的交叉点,你就很有可能成为你领域的领先者。” (rand fishkin)
5.“当谈到成功的创意与失败的创意的比例,我想我大概就5比500吧.”(jeremy schoemaker)
7.“我认为正是人们完成工作后的愉快才使得博客这么流行。你不得不相信大多数博主只拥有少数真正的读者。因为其他原因,作者也在其中。写博客就像工作,只是在每一个机会面前没有同事出来阻挠你罢了。你所得到的其实就是完成工作后的喜悦。” (scott adams)

8.“在我看来,没有什么和写博客一样,也没有什么和博主一样。写博客其实就是写作——用一种特别高效的出版技术写作。” (simon dumenco)
9.“谈到拓展业务,你的心里应该时刻回响这几个字,就是‘该死的现在就动手吧。’” (quadszilla)
10.“没有纽约时代周刊就没有博客社区。他们就没有什么要博客的。” (malcolm gladwell)
11. “我可以完全公开地说,我是传媒界精英的一员,是康德纳斯出版集团的编辑,经营引领服饰潮流的杂志,我的大部分职业生涯花在了《经济学家》上,身旁常伴随着知名的新闻记者。但在媒体界中经常听到有人断言,说什么没有我们博客就什么都不是,没有什么比这更让我恼火的了。”(chris anderson)
12.“靠博客赚钱只需做两件事:创造高的点击率,然后从流量上最大限度地增加收入。” (john chow)

13.“不要把注意力集中在拥有一个非凡的博客上面。而应想想如何为读者创建一个令人满意的博客。” (brian clark)
14.“好,我要开始写博客了,谁说上市公司的主管不可能创建博客?嘿嘿,生命短暂。在某种情况下,接受条例fd合乎常理的最大限度,不管怎样,这是我们都想要传达的。想一下吧。” (jonathan schwartz)
16.“我认为博客这个词语不仅仅意味着网络日志。我觉得博客是交谈。人们上博客读读写写,并非只是耗费时间。” (michael arrington)
17.“人们达到一定岁数时,比如大学毕业,他们就认为该出去找工作了。但像许多事情一样,只是因为大伙儿都做这件事,并不意味这就是个好主意。” (steve pavlina)

18.“但是我看到一个越来越明显的趋势:那些曾经享受在博客上晒生活的人,现在逐渐转向twitter了。” (robert scoble)
19.“我觉得我的观点是,假如你是这些人中的一个,认为放弃博客以便更多关注脸谱网站、twitter博客网、优兔网和聚友网,或者大家抛给我们凡夫俗子的其他类似事物,记住,你是在放弃相当独特且精彩的东西。” (hugh macleod)
20.“三年多前我开始写这个博客,是为了回应传统媒体习惯于歪曲采访以迎合他们想要的大字标题。” (mark cuban)
21.“在过去的几年里我和博客产生了很深的联系,28岁时我每天用technorati博客搜索引擎搜索自己,发现在链结中明显表露那些联系。”(jason calacanis)
22.“懒人世界——一个惯用的定义——是说一群写博客的人,在此我不想一一列举他们的名字,但你可以在一英里开外就能认出他们。没有新思想或笔深熟虑的文章,他们只不过把最新的消息据为己有,加上一个‘我也这么想’然后就贴到博客上。” (steve rubel)

23.“创新的游戏极少发生。它们通常只需用简单的想法来描述,然而它们到来时却需要我们花费时间去认识其影响和重要性。电视是个大转变,手机是个大转变,博客也是其中一个。” (collis ta’eed)
24.“博手们每小时从网络赚取一点小钱,而网络的总裁和辅助人员却在迅速获取高额薪水和风投财富来装饰他们的家。我不喜欢这样,感觉很可笑。”(david krug)
25.“说到底,博客就像性。你不能逢场作戏,不能伪装激情,不能假装和民众心意相通。如果你偏要这么做,那么对博手和读者双方来说最终是不会令人满意的。” (kevin anderson -)
26.“博客、社交网络、报纸,还有其他发行形式——都有社会因素在其中。这其实是个范畴,一个极端是社会网络,另一个极端是19世纪的小说。但总有各种社会发行平台类型的空间。” (richard macmanus)

27. “出于种种原因,我每天都看博客,想听到一些不同寻常的观点时我就尤其关注博客——比如说,从接受治疗的患者而非提供医疗的医生那里知道某种医疗的信息;从战地士兵而非政客那儿看到的报道;从工程师而非主管人员的观点了解对待某项技术的想法。” (jim buckmaster)
28。“说实话,依靠社会媒体树立权威和制造话题的真正机会才刚刚开始。你只需瞧瞧事情进展的方向,而不是事件的起因。”(brian clark)
29.“博客早已朝着高级和改善的方向发展了。‘职业博客写手’这一措词不再是一个矛盾修辞。比如美国娱乐体育频道最近购买了备受大众欢迎的篮球博客truehoop.com,来补充它在线提供的新闻。”(luke langford)
30.“先把博客博主和写博放在一边,把注意力放在这儿上——任何人在全球性的媒体上出版任何刊物的费用和难度总体上大大降低。这样的结果就是增加的潜在写手将会是海量的。”(clay shirky)

31.“从自己的博客上赚钱应该感到由衷地高兴——一个人应该在正常合理的抱负驱策下去寻求成功。如果你的博客能提供真正的价值,那你就完全有资格从中获得利润。”(steve pavlina)
32.“网络消除了发表的多数障碍。成为出版者的成本几乎降为零,并且立即产生两个有意思的结果:每个人都可以发表,更重要的是想发表什么就发表什么。”(dick costolo)
33.“一个人越是认为自己在博客圈里受欢迎,他的脸皮就越薄,为人就越真诚。但事实正好相反,他越是觉得自己受欢迎,他脸皮就越厚,为人就越虚伪。” (guy kawasaki)
34.“要是哪位校长认为博客没什么教育意义,那他应该检查检查自己的智商:他应该找出学校里每个写博客的学生,给他们更多时间写博客——再加上额外的学分。”(cory doctorow)

35.“博客有助于把人性带回工作场所。我们变得如此关注交流的人数和过程,以至于员工们忘记怎样建立人际关系了。公司怎么能要求员工提供优质服务和创新点子,要是他们的所见所闻不符合期望目标?博客有利于创造支持那些行为的文化。”(michael wiley)
36.“可悲的事实是大多数博手,甚至那些不段研究挣钱策略的博手,最终也只是一天守着一点钱无所事事,感觉很难超过这个数目。”(yaro starak)
37.“正如我们不会花太多时间去担心那些诗人是如何把他们的诗作转换为金钱的一样,对于大多数的博客写作者来说也是如此。”(seth godin)
38.“我所上班的公司给我看自从公司开设博客后,网站流量翻了一番。其实,博客(便宜的)比公司网站(昂贵的)有更多的访问者和看法。那么,如果是那样的话,投资收益率有相当多是可预见的。”(mike sansone)

39.“我发现自己简直是慷慨陈词,充满智慧,足足一小时我在‘最重要最紧急的’博客上充满自信地告诉他,尤其对于高端缝隙企业,博客是和客户进行‘密切交谈’的‘最佳方式’。真有趣,我相信!”(tom peters)
41.“博客的流行是真实性和信赖……你付钱给大伙儿在博客上宣传一种产品,之后你却放弃了。我差一点就喜欢上它,但这对每个人来说太明显了,这要么是个笑话要么就是个没话可说的傻瓜。”(jason calacanis)
42.“回忆起来,我发现自己在思考新网业中的三种方法。一种是传统新闻业的‘冷’处理,包括电视广播(国家公共无线电台也不例外)。一种是电台谈话节目的‘热’处理,这已经扩展到电视运动节目和现在的福克斯电视。第三种使用中的方法就是博客。”(doc searls)

43.“有些博客已经成为核查占垄断地位的新闻业的最好途径,并且提供了相当多常见的最初报道。”(harold evans)
44.“对,博客是种娱乐,是种表演。每个博客展示一出表演,有时是一场歌剧,有时是一段30秒的广告。像一出表演,它有时是以嘣的一声开始,让你一首接一首歌听下去,它有绝妙的高潮,让观众想看更多。”(lorelle van fossen)
45.“正如我再三地以某种形式写过,博客并非是发表帖子。真见鬼,那是最缺乏挑战性的。不,博客要和日益增长的在线读者建立互利关系,这并不简单。”(alister cameron)
46.“博客常常被划分为消极的东西,是因为人们通过谷歌广告、各种广告条等方式直接赚钱,即使睡觉时也不例外。”(alister cameron)

48.“不可否认,博客世界也承受着和网络自身一样的所有风险。许多博客充斥着自负的帖子、半真半假的陈词、流言飞语,甚至是有意的曲解。 ”(christopher cox)
49.“至少从某种意义上说,我们不是典型的博客写手。因为我们只是不停地贴帖子。典型的博客写手像大多数节食或对开支进行预算的人一样,几个月、几周或更多情况下才几天就放弃了。”(stephen j. dubner)
50“博客对职业是有好处的。一个制作精良的博客能让你成为你领域的行家。”(penelope trunk)

1. “breathe. know that the internet has no eraser.” (liz strauss)
2. “i’ve long advised that bloggers seeking to make money from blogging spread their interests across multiple revenue streams so as not to put all their eggs in one basket.” (darren rowse)
3. “all you future google whores might want to pay attention to what i’m about to reveal.” (john chow)
4. “the fact of the matter is, if you can start up a local blog about the independent hip-hop scene in seattle or the financial side of the restaurant business or the intersection of immigration and entrepreneurship, you’ve got a far better shot at becoming a leader in your field.” (rand fishkin)
5. “i think i am about 5 for 500 when it comes to successful ideas vs flops.” (jeremy schoemaker)
6. “readers subscribe to blogs when they provide an informational or entertainment value so great that it would be a loss to not subscribe to it.” (maki)
7. “i think the pleasure of completed work is what makes blogging so popular. you have to believe most bloggers have few if any actual readers. the writers are in it for other reasons. blogging is like work, but without coworkers thwarting you at every turn. all you get is the pleasure of a completed task.” (scott adams)
8. “and it occurred to me that there is no such thing as blogging. there is no such thing as a blogger. blogging is just writing — writing using a particularly efficient type of publishing technology.” (simon dumenco)
9. “when it comes to building your business, there are 4 words that should be echoing in your mind throughout the day; they are do it fucking now.” (quadszilla)
10. “without the new york times, there is no blog community. they’d have nothing to blog about.” (malcolm gladwell)
11. “i am, in full disclosure, a member of the media elite. i’m a conde nast editor, run a glossy mainstream magazine, spent much of my career at the economist and consort with known journalists. but nothing annoys me more than the oft-heard assertion within media circles that without us blogs would be nothing.” (chris anderson)
12. “making money from blogging requires you to do only two things: drive a lot traffic, then maximize the income from that traffic.” (john chow)
13. “don’t focus on having a great blog. focus on producing a blog that’s great for your readers.” (brian clark)
14. “ok, i’m starting a blog. why shouldn’t an officer of a public company start a blog? hey, life is short. at some point, take regfd to its logical extreme, and this is how we’re all going to be communicating anyways. think about it.” (jonathan schwartz)
15. “people have often described me as a blogger. i generally shy away from the term because, to me, bloggers are boring, self obsessed narcissists who use their website mainly as a means to discuss the inconsequential minutiae of their day to day lives.” (anonymous writer)
16. “i believe the term “blog” means more than an online journal. i believe a blog is a conversation. people go to blogs to read and write, not just consume.” (michael arrington)
17. “it’s funny that when people reach a certain age, such as after graduating college, they assume it’s time to go out and get a job. but like many things the masses do, just because everyone does it doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.” (steve pavlina)
18. “but there’s a bigger trend i’m seeing: people who used to enjoy blogging their lives are now moving to twitter.” (robert scoble)
19. “i guess my point is, if you’re one of these people considering giving up on blogging in exchange for paying more attention to facebook, twitter, youtube and myspace, or whatever they throw at us mere mortals, bear in mind you are giving up on something rather unique and wonderful.” (hugh macleod)
20. “when i started writing this blog more than 3 years ago, it was in response to traditional media’s habit of twisting interviews to fit the headlines they wanted to create.” (mark cuban)
21. “i’ve developed some deep relationships over the past couple of years blogging and i realize that those relationships manifest themselves in the links i find when i do my 28x a daily ego search over at technorati.” (jason calacanis)
22. “the lazysphere - a working definition - is a group of bloggers who i won’t name by name, but you can spot them a mile away. rather than create new ideas or pen thoughtful essays, they simply glom on to the latest news with another “me too” blog post.” (steve rubel)
23. “game changing innovations are few and far between. they are usually simple concepts to describe but when they arrive it takes time to fully realize their importance and impact. television was a game-changer, mobile phones were a game-changer, and blogging is also one.” (collis ta’eed)
24. “while some bloggers in networks are making pennies per the hour the network ceo’s and support staff are raking in huge salaries and getting vc money to help furnish their homes. i don’t like it. it smells funny.” (david krug)
25. “the bottom line is that blogging is like sex. you can’t fake it. you can’t fake passion. you can’t fake wanting to engage with the public. if you do, it will ultimately be an unsatisfying experience for both the blogger and their readers.” (kevin anderson -)
26. “blogs, social networks, newspapers, any other form of publication - all have social aspects to them. it is a spectrum really, with social networks at one extreme and a 19th century novel at the other. but there’s room for all types of social publishing platforms.” (richard macmanus)
27. “i read blogs every day, for all sorts of reasons, but i turn to blogs especially when i want to hear alternative viewpoints — for example, information on a particular medical treatment from the viewpoint of patients receiving it, rather than doctors administering it; reports from the battlefield seen through the eyes of soldiers rather than politicians; thoughts on a particular technology from the standpoint of engineers rather than executives.” (jim buckmaster)
28. “in truth, the real opportunities for building authority and buzz through social media have only just begun. you simply have to look and see where things are going instead of where they’ve been.” (brian clark)
29. “blogs are already moving upmarket and improving. the term “professional blogger” is no longer an oxymoron. some in the traditional media realize this – espn, for example, recently purchased the popular basketball blog truehoop.com to complement its other online news offerings.” (luke langford)
30. “so forget about blogs and bloggers and blogging and focus on this — the cost and difficulty of publishing absolutely anything, by anyone, into a global medium, just got a whole lot lower. and the effects of that increased pool of potential producers is going to be vast.” (clay shirky)
31. “it should feel genuinely good to earn income from your blog — you should be driven by a healthy ambition to succeed. if your blog provides genuine value, you fully deserve to earn income from it.” (steve pavlina)
32. “the internet destroyed most of the barriers to publication. the cost of being a publisher dropped to almost zero with two interesting immediate results: anybody can publish, and more importantly, you can publish whatever you want.” (dick costolo)
33. “the more popular a person thinks he is in the blogosphere, the thinner his skin and the thicker his hypocrisy. this should be exactly the opposite: the higher you go the thicker the skin and thinner the hypocrisy.” (guy kawasaki)
34. “if this prinicpal thinks blogging isn’t educational, he needs his head examined: he should be seeking out every student blogger in the school and giving them special time to blog more — and giving them extra credit besides.” (cory doctorow)
35. “blogs can help bring humanity back into the workplace. we have become so concerned with communicating numbers and processes that employees have forgotten how to build relationships. how can companies ask employees to provide superior service and innovative thinking when everything they see and hear flies in the face of that? blogs help create a culture that supports those behaviors.” (michael wiley)
36. “the sad truth is most bloggers, even those who incessantly work on monetization strategies, end up sitting around the few dollars a day mark and find it difficult to rise above this level.” (yaro starak)
37. “just as we don’t spend a lot of time worrying about how all those poets out there are going to monetize their poetry, the same is true for most bloggers.” (seth godin)
38. “one company i work with showed me how the traffic on his company’s site doubled since they started blogging. in fact, the blog (inexpensive) has more visitors and views than the corporate website (expensive). well, there’s some measurable roi in that case.” (mike sansone)
39. “i found myself declaiming, full flower, for an hour on the “utmost importance and urgency” of blogging, telling him in no uncertain terms that, especially in a high-end niche business, blogging is “the premier way” to have “intimate conversations” with his clients. funny thing, i believe it!” (tom peters)
40. “in china, blogs enable millions of citizens to express their opinions with reduced political risk simply because of the sheer number of like-minded opinions online. facing these independent voices, the old ideological machine starts to crumble.” (xiao qiang)
41. “the currency of blogging is authenticity and trust… you pay folks to blog about a product and you compromise that. i would almost care about this, but it’s so obvious to everyone that this is either a joke or an idiot that there is nothing more to say.” (jason calacanis)
42. “looking back on the event, i find myself thinking there are three approaches to journalism represented here. one is the “cool” approach of traditional journalism, including network broadcasting (in which npr is no exception). one is the “hot” approach of talk radio, which has since expanded to tv sports networks and now fox tv. the third is the engaged approach of weblogging.” (doc searls)
43. “some blogs have become the best check on monopoly mainstream journalism, and they provide a surprisingly frequent source of initiative reporting.” (harold evans)
44. “yes, blogging is entertainment. it is performance. each blog post a show, sometimes an opera, sometimes a 30 second commercial. like a show, it may start with a bang, lead you along from song to song, have a great climatic moment, then leave the audience wanting more.” (lorelle van fossen)
45. “as i have repeatedly written in one form or other, blogging is not about writing posts. heck, that’s the least of your challenges. no, blogging is about cultivating a mutually beneficial relationships with an ever-growing online readership, and that’s hard work.” (alister cameron)
46. “the reason blogging is often put into the passive category is because if you use direct monetization through adsense, banners, etc, you earn while you sleep.” (chris garrett)
47. “unless you restrict your reading habits to a really small segment of the blogging population, or you are a blogging machine like robert scoble, a feed reader is only going to give you a small window of what is happening in the blogosphere.” (andy beard )
48. “to be sure, the blogosphere is subject to all of the same risks as the internet itself. many blogs are loaded with vanity posts, half-truths, rumors, and even intentional distortions.” (christopher cox)
49. “in at least one way we are atypical bloggers. that’s because we just keep on posting. the typical blogger, like most people who go on diets and budgets, quits after a few months, weeks, or in many cases, days.” (stephen j. dubner)
50. “blogging is good for your career. a well-executed blog sets you apart as an expert in your field.” (penelope trunk)



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