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埃德加爱伦坡致 继父(约翰爱伦)

埃德加爱伦坡致 继父(约翰爱伦)

  after my treatment on yesterday and what passed between us this morning,i can hardly thinkyou will be surprised at the contents of this letter.my determination is at length taken——to leaveyour house and endeavor to find some place in thiswide world, where i will be treated——not as youhave treated me——this is not a hurried determination, but one on which i have longconsidered——and having so considered my resolution is unalterable——you may perhapsthink that i have flown off in a passion,&that iam already wishing to return;but not so——i willgive you the reasons which have actuated me,andthen judge——
  since i have been able to think on any subject,my thoughts have aspired, and they have beentaught by you to aspire,to eminence in publiclife——this cannot be attained without a goodeducation,such a one i cannot obtain at a primaly school—— a collegiate education therefore waswhat i most ardently desired, and i had been led toexpect that it would at some future time be granted——but in a moment of caprice——youhave blasted my hope because forsooth i disagreedwith you in an opinion,which opinion i was forcedto express——again, i have heard you say(whenyou little thought i was listening and thereforemust have said it in earnest) that you had noaffection for me——
  you have moreover ordered me to quit yourhouse, and are continually upbraiding me witheating the bread of idleness,when you yourselfwere the only person to remedy the evil by placingme to some business——you take delight in exposing me before those whom you think likely toadvance my interest in this world——

  you suffer me to be subjected to the whims&caprice not only of your white family, but thecomplete authority of the blacks——these grievances i could not submit to; and i am gone.i request that you will send me my trunk containing my clothes& books——and if you stillhave the least affection for me. as the last call ishall make on your bounty, to prevent thefulfillment of the prediction you this morningexpressed,send me as much money as will defraythe expenses of my passage to some of thenorthern cities & then support me for one month,by which time i shall be enabled to place myself insome situation where i may not only obtain alivelihood, but lay by a sum which one day oranother will support me at the university——sendmy trunk& to the courthouse tavern, send me ientreat you some money immediately——as i am inthe greatest necessity——if you fail to complywith my request——i tremble for the consequence
  it depends upon yourself if hereafter you seeor hear from me.
  edgar a.poe

  after my treatment on yesterday and what passed between us this morning,i can hardly thinkyou will be surprised at the contents of this letter.my determination is at length taken——to leaveyour house and endeavor to find some place in thiswide world, where i will be treated——not as youhave treated me——this is not a hurried determination, but one on which i have longconsidered——and having so considered my resolution is unalterable——you may perhapsthink that i have flown off in a passion,&that iam already wishing to return;but not so——i willgive you the reasons which have actuated me,andthen judge——
  since i have been able to think on any subject,my thoughts have aspired, and they have beentaught by you to aspire,to eminence in publiclife——this cannot be attained without a goodeducation,such a one i cannot obtain at a primaly school—— a collegiate education therefore waswhat i most ardently desired, and i had been led toexpect that it would at some future time be granted——but in a moment of caprice——youhave blasted my hope because forsooth i disagreedwith you in an opinion,which opinion i was forcedto express——again, i have heard you say(whenyou little thought i was listening and thereforemust have said it in earnest) that you had noaffection for me——
  you have moreover ordered me to quit yourhouse, and are continually upbraiding me witheating the bread of idleness,when you yourselfwere the only person to remedy the evil by placingme to some business——you take delight in exposing me before those whom you think likely toadvance my interest in this world——
  you suffer me to be subjected to the whims&caprice not only of your white family, but thecomplete authority of the blacks——these grievances i could not submit to; and i am gone.i request that you will send me my trunk containing my clothes& books——and if you stillhave the least affection for me. as the last call ishall make on your bounty, to prevent thefulfillment of the prediction you this morningexpressed,send me as much money as will defraythe expenses of my passage to some of thenorthern cities & then support me for one month,by which time i shall be enabled to place myself insome situation where i may not only obtain alivelihood, but lay by a sum which one day oranother will support me at the university——sendmy trunk& to the courthouse tavern, send me ientreat you some money immediately——as i am inthe greatest necessity——if you fail to complywith my request——i tremble for the consequence
  it depends upon yourself if hereafter you seeor hear from me.
  edgar a.poe



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