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欧内斯特海明威致 父亲( C E 海明威)中英双语

欧内斯特海明威致 父亲( C E 海明威)中英双语

hendaye,france,14 september 1927
dear dad:
thanks very much for your letter and forforwarding the letter to uncle tyley.i had a goodletter from him yesterday.you cannot know howbadly i feel about having caused you and mother somuch shame and suffering——but i could not writeyou about all of my and hadley's troubles even if itwere the thing to do.it takes two weeks for a letterto cross the atlantic and i have tried not totransfer all the hell i have been through to anyoneby letter.i love hadley and i love bumby——hadley and i split up——i did not desert her norwas i committing adultery with anyone.i wasliving in the apartment with bumby——lookingafter him while hadley was away on a trip and itwas when she came back from this trip that shedecided she wanted the definite divorce.we arranged everything and there was no scandal andno disgrace.our trouble had been going on for along time.it was entirely my fault and it is no one's business.i have nothing but love admirationand respect for hadley and while we are busted upi have not in any way lost bumby.he lived withme in switzerland after the divorce and he iscoming back in november and will spend thiswinter with me in the mountains.

you are fortunate enough to have only been inlove with one woman in your life.for over a year ihad been in love with two people and had beenabsolutely faithful to hadley.when hadley decidedthat we had better get a divorce the girl with whomi was in love was in america.i had not heard fromher for almost two months.in her last letter shehad said that we must not think of each other butof hadley.you refer to“love pirates,”“personswho break up your home etc.”and you know that iam hot tempered but i know that it is easy to wishpeople in hell when you know nothing of them.ihave seen,suffered,and been through enough sothat i do not wish anyone in hell.it is because i donot want you to suffer with ideas of shame anddisgrace that i now write all this.we have not seenmuch of each other for a long time and in themeantime our lives have been going on and therehas been a year of tragedy in mine and i know youcan appreciate how difficult and almost impossibleit is for me to write about it.

after we were divorced if hadley would havewanted me i would have gone back to her.she saidthat things were better as they were and that wewere both better off.i will never stop lovinghadley nor bumby nor will i cease to look afterthem.i will never stop loving pauline pfeiffer towhom i am married.i have now responsibility toward three people instead of one.please understand this and know that it doesn't make iteasier to write about it.i do understand how hardit is for you to have to make explanations andanswer questions and not hear from me.i am arotten correspondent and it is almost impossible forme to write about my private sffairs.withoutseeking it——through the success of my books——all the profits of which i have turnedover to hadley——both in america,england,germany and the scandinavian countries——because of all this there is a great deal of talk.i payno attention to any of it and neither must you.ihave had come back to me stories people have toldabout me of every fantastic and scandalous sort——all without foundation.these sorts ofstories spring up about all writers——ball players——popular evangelists or any publicperformers.but it is through the desire to keep myown private life to myself——to give no explanations to anybody——and not to be a publicperformer personally that i have unwittingly caused you great anxiety.the only way i couldkeep my private life to myself was to keep it tomyself——and i did owe you and mother a statement on it.but i can't write about it all thetime.

i know you don't like the sort of thing i writebut that is the difference in our taste and all thecritics are not fanny butcher.i know that i am notdisgracing you in my writing but rather doingsomething that some day you will be proud of.ican't do it all at once.i feel that eventually my lifewill not be a disgrace to you either.it also takes along time to unfold.
you would be so much happier and i would too if you could have confidence in me.when people ask about me,say that ernie never tells usanything about his private life or even where he isbut only writes that he is working hard.don't feelresponsible for what i write or what i do.i take theresponsibility,i make the mistakes and i take thepunishment.






hendaye,france,14 september 1927
dear dad:
thanks very much for your letter and forforwarding the letter to uncle tyley.i had a goodletter from him yesterday.you cannot know howbadly i feel about having caused you and mother somuch shame and suffering——but i could not writeyou about all of my and hadley's troubles even if itwere the thing to do.it takes two weeks for a letterto cross the atlantic and i have tried not totransfer all the hell i have been through to anyoneby letter.i love hadley and i love bumby——hadley and i split up——i did not desert her norwas i committing adultery with anyone.i wasliving in the apartment with bumby——lookingafter him while hadley was away on a trip and itwas when she came back from this trip that shedecided she wanted the definite divorce.we arranged everything and there was no scandal andno disgrace.our trouble had been going on for along time.it was entirely my fault and it is no one's business.i have nothing but love admirationand respect for hadley and while we are busted upi have not in any way lost bumby.he lived withme in switzerland after the divorce and he iscoming back in november and will spend thiswinter with me in the mountains.
you are fortunate enough to have only been inlove with one woman in your life.for over a year ihad been in love with two people and had beenabsolutely faithful to hadley.when hadley decidedthat we had better get a divorce the girl with whomi was in love was in america.i had not heard fromher for almost two months.in her last letter shehad said that we must not think of each other butof hadley.you refer to“love pirates,”“personswho break up your home etc.”and you know that iam hot tempered but i know that it is easy to wishpeople in hell when you know nothing of them.ihave seen,suffered,and been through enough sothat i do not wish anyone in hell.it is because i donot want you to suffer with ideas of shame anddisgrace that i now write all this.we have not seenmuch of each other for a long time and in themeantime our lives have been going on and therehas been a year of tragedy in mine and i know youcan appreciate how difficult and almost impossibleit is for me to write about it.
after we were divorced if hadley would havewanted me i would have gone back to her.she saidthat things were better as they were and that wewere both better off.i will never stop lovinghadley nor bumby nor will i cease to look afterthem.i will never stop loving pauline pfeiffer towhom i am married.i have now responsibility toward three people instead of one.please understand this and know that it doesn't make iteasier to write about it.i do understand how hardit is for you to have to make explanations andanswer questions and not hear from me.i am arotten correspondent and it is almost impossible forme to write about my private sffairs.withoutseeking it——through the success of my books——all the profits of which i have turnedover to hadley——both in america,england,germany and the scandinavian countries——because of all this there is a great deal of talk.i payno attention to any of it and neither must you.ihave had come back to me stories people have toldabout me of every fantastic and scandalous sort——all without foundation.these sorts ofstories spring up about all writers——ball players——popular evangelists or any publicperformers.but it is through the desire to keep myown private life to myself——to give no explanations to anybody——and not to be a publicperformer personally that i have unwittingly caused you great anxiety.the only way i couldkeep my private life to myself was to keep it tomyself——and i did owe you and mother a statement on it.but i can't write about it all thetime.
i know you don't like the sort of thing i writebut that is the difference in our taste and all thecritics are not fanny butcher.i know that i am notdisgracing you in my writing but rather doingsomething that some day you will be proud of.ican't do it all at once.i feel that eventually my lifewill not be a disgrace to you either.it also takes along time to unfold.
you would be so much happier and i would too if you could have confidence in me.when people ask about me,say that ernie never tells usanything about his private life or even where he isbut only writes that he is working hard.don't feelresponsible for what i write or what i do.i take theresponsibility,i make the mistakes and i take thepunishment.



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