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在我们做的事情当中,有许多都受到感情的影响。由于 我们的感情可为我们带来伟大的成就,也可能使我们失败, 所以,我们必须了解,要控制自己的感情,首先应该做的是,了解对我们有刺激作用的感情有哪些?我们可将这些感 情分为七种消极和七种积极的情绪。
Much of what we do is directed by our feelings.Since our feelings can lift us to great achievements or hurl us down to defeat,we owe it to ourselves to understand and control them.The first step is to identify the feelings which motivate us.There are seven negative emotions and seven positive. 七种消极情绪为:There seven negative emotions are: The seven positive emotions are:1.恐惧 Fear2.仇恨 Hatred3.愤怒 Anger4.贪婪 Greed5.嫉妒 Jealousy6.报复 Revenge7.迷信 Superstition 七种积极情绪为: 1.爱 Love2.性 Sex3.希望 Hope4.信心 Faith5.同情 Sympathy6.乐观 Optimism7.忠诚 Loyalty 以上14种情绪,正是你人生计划成功或失败的关键, 他们的组合,既能意义非凡,又能够混乱无章,完全由你决定。These fourteen emotions are the letters of the alphabet with which you will write your plan for success or failure.They can be combined meaningfully or chaotically.

在我们做的事情当中,有许多都受到感情的影响。由于 我们的感情可为我们带来伟大的成就,也可能使我们失败, 所以,我们必须了解,要控制自己的感情,首先应该做的是,了解对我们有刺激作用的感情有哪些?我们可将这些感 情分为七种消极和七种积极的情绪。
Much of what we do is directed by our feelings.Since our feelings can lift us to great achievements or hurl us down to defeat,we owe it to ourselves to understand and control them.The first step is to identify the feelings which motivate us.There are seven negative emotions and seven positive. 七种消极情绪为:There seven negative emotions are: The seven positive emotions are:1.恐惧 Fear2.仇恨 Hatred3.愤怒 Anger4.贪婪 Greed5.嫉妒 Jealousy6.报复 Revenge7.迷信 Superstition 七种积极情绪为: 1.爱 Love2.性 Sex3.希望 Hope4.信心 Faith5.同情 Sympathy6.乐观 Optimism7.忠诚 Loyalty 以上14种情绪,正是你人生计划成功或失败的关键, 他们的组合,既能意义非凡,又能够混乱无章,完全由你决定。These fourteen emotions are the letters of the alphabet with which you will write your plan for success or failure.They can be combined meaningfully or chaotically.



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