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Section B



Section B , 2b 
April Fool's Day is a holiday celebrated by many different countries in the world. It is the day of the year April 1st, which is a time when many people are going to play jokes on each other or play jokes on each other.
In a year of April Fool's day, the British journalists claimed that the Italian farmers stopped growing spaghetti, later will no longer have spaghetti. Many people went to the local supermarket as far as possible to buy Italy. People realize this is a hoax, the national all Italian noodles are sold. Another famous trick, a British television reported the discovery of a kind of special water. They say the water can help people lose weight, a consumer only 4 months to lose a lot of weight. (results) in the day before the end, more than 1 million people call to the TV station and asked how to get this .
有一年的愚人节,英国的一位记者宣称,由于意大利农民停止种植意大利面条,以后将不再有意大利面了。许多人都跑到当地的超市尽可能多地买意大利面。等人们意识 到这是一个恶作剧的时候,全国所有的意大利面条都被卖光了。在另一个著名的恶作剧中,英国一家电视节目报道发现了一种特殊的水。他们说这种水可以帮助人们减肥 ,有位消费者仅4个月就减掉了很多体重。(结果)在当天结束之前,超过1万人打电话到电视台,询问如何得到这种水。
Most April Fool jokes ending isn't all that interesting. A famous TV star was on April Fool's Day invited his girlfriend on his TV show. He asked her to marry him, the lady is so happy, because she really wanted to get married. However, when she said yes, he replied: "April Fool"! This little joke ending is not happy. TV star lost his girlfriend and his show has been canceled.
许多愚人节玩笑的结局并不那么有趣。一位著名的电视明星曾在愚人节邀请他的女朋友上他的电视节目。他向她求婚,那位女士是如此的高兴,因为她真的想结婚了。然 而,当她说好的时候,他却回答:“愚人节傻瓜”!这个小玩笑的结局并不愉快。电视明星失去了他的女朋友,而且他的节目也被取消了。
However, one of the world's most famous pranks took place in October and not in April. In October 1938, actor Orson. Wales in his radio program announced from Mars aliens had landed on the earth. He described how they where landing, also tell you that the aliens are how to across the United States. Wells makes his words sound so realistic, that hundreds of people believe the story, fear in the country spread. Wait until the police announced that the story was a hoax, there have been thousands of people left their homes.
然而,世界上最出名的恶作剧之一却发生在10月而不是4月。在1938年的10月,演员奥森.威尔斯在他的电台节目中宣布来自火星的外星人已登陆地球。他描述了他们在哪 里登陆,还告诉大家这些外星人正在如何穿越美国。威尔斯让他的话听起来如此逼真,以至于数以百计的人相信了这个故事,恐惧在整个国家蔓延。等到警察宣布这个故 事是恶作剧时,已经有数以千计的人离开了他们的家园。




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