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Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag?


2a Listen and number the things.
Tom:    Hey, Helen.
Helen:  Yes?
Tom:    Is my computer game on the table?
Helen:  No, it isn't. It's in the bookcase.
Tom:    Oh, Ok. How about my books? Are they on the bookcase, too?
Helen:  No, they aren't. They're on the chair.
Tom:    Oh. So, where's my pencil box?
Helen:  Hmm… it's under the sofa.
Tom:    And where's my schoolbag?
Helen:  It's under the table. And your ruler is under the chair.
Tom:    Oh, I see. And where are Mom's keys?
Helen:  The keys? They're on the table.
2b Listen again. 
Find the things from 2a  and number them in the picture .
Tom:    Hey, Helen.
Helen:  Yes?
Tom:    Is my computer game on the table?
Helen:  No, it isn't. It's in the bookcase.
Tom:    Oh, Ok. How about my books? Are they in the bookcase, too?
Helen:  No, they aren't. They're on the chair.
Tom:    Oh. So, where's my pencil box?
Helen:  Hmm… it's under the sofa.
Tom:    And where's my schoolbag?
Helen:  It's under the table. And your ruler is under the chair.
Tom:    Oh, I see. And where are Mom's keys?
Helen:  The keys? They're on the table.
2d Role-play the Conversation.
Mom:  Come on, Jack!
Jack: Oh, no! Where's my bag?
Mom:  Hmm…is it on your desk?
Jack: No. And it's not under the chair.
Mom:  Oh! It's on the sofa.
Jack: Thank you, Mom. Err…where's the map?
Mom:  I think it's in your grandparents' room.
Jack: Yes, it's on their bed! And my hat?
Mom:  It's on your head!
Jack: Oh, yeah! Haha!




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