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Unit 2 This is my sister.


2a Listen and circle the words you hear. 听并圈出你听到的单词。
Li Lan:  Cindy, is this your family photo?
Cindy:   Yes, it is, Li Lan.
Li Lan:  Are these your parents?
Cindy:   Yes, they are. This is my mother, Jenny, and this is my father, Tom.
Li Lan:  Oh, who's she?
Cindy:   She's my sister, Mary.
Li Lan:  Who're they?
Cindy:   They're my grandparents, Linda and Bob.
Li Lan:  And who's he?
Cindy:   He's my brother, Jack.
2b Listen again. Match the names with the people in the picture. 重听一遍为图中的姓名和人物连线。
Li Lan:  Cindy, is this your family photo?
Cindy:   Yes, it is, Li Lan.
Li Lan:  Are these your parents?
Cindy:   Yes, they are. This is my mother, Jenny, and this is my father, Tom.
Li Lan:  Oh, who's she?
Cindy:   She's my sister, Mary.
Li Lan:  Who're they?
Cindy:   They're my grandparents, Linda and Bob.
Li Lan:  And who's he?
Cindy:   He's my brother, Jack.
2d Role-play the Conversation. 分角色扮演对话。
Sally:  Good morning, Jane.
Jane:   Good morning, Sally.
Sally:  Oh, Jane, this is my sister Kate. Kate, this is my friend Jane.
Kate:   Nice to meet you, Jane.
Jane:   Nice to meet you, too. Are those your parents?
Kate:   Yes, they are.
Jane:   And who's he?
Sally:  He's my brother, Paul.
Jane:   Oh, I see. Well, have a good day!
Sally/Kate:  Thanks! You, too. Bye!




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