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Recycle 2


Listen and number the rooms. 听并标出房间。
Where are we? 我们在哪?
Mmm...that's a red sofa. We are in the living room. 嗯……哪是红色的沙发。我们在客厅。
Is this the little boys's room? 这是小男孩的房间吗?
Mmm....no, we are in the kitchen. 嗯……不,我们在厨房。
And now? 现在呢?
That's a desk. We are in the study. 那是书桌。我们在书房。
And now? 现在呢?
Oh, no! It's mother and father's room? 哦不!是妈妈和爸爸的房间?
Quiet! 安静!
Ahaha, I see him. On the green bed. 啊哈哈,看到他了。在绿色的床上。
He's so cute! 他好可爱!
Let's put his gift under the window. 让我们把他的礼物放在窗下。
OK! 好!

Look, listen and write. 看、听和写。
Can I use your sleigh, Santa? 我能用你的雪橇吗,圣诞老人?
My bus is late and my bike is at home. 我的公交晚点了,自行车在家。
Yes, little girl. 好,小女孩。
Give them some cake and they can take you home. 给他们一些蛋糕,他们能带你回家。
Thank you so much. What do you want, Santa? 谢谢你。你想要什么,圣诞老人?
Just give me a smile. It's free to be nice. 给我一个微笑就可以。美好是免费的。




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