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Unit 4 Where is my car?


Let's check. 我们来检测一下
Listen and tick(√)or cross(×). 听一听并判断对错。(听力练习)
1. Mum, where is my boat? 妈妈,我的小船在哪?
It is on the chair. 在椅子上面。
Mum, where is my boat? 妈妈,我的小船在哪?
It is on the chair. 在椅子上面。

2. Oh, no. Where is my cap? 噢,不。 我的帽子在哪?
Look, it's on your desk. 看,在你的桌子上面。
Oh, no. Where is my cap? 噢,不。 我的帽子在哪?
Look, it's on your desk. 看,在你的桌子上面。

3.What's that? It's under the car. 那是什么?在小车下面。
Oh, it's a ruler. 噢,那是一把尺。
What's that? It's under the car. 那是什么?在小车下面。
Oh, it's a ruler. 噢,那是一把尺。

4. Where is your ball? 你的球在哪?
Is it in the box? 在盒子里吗?
Ha, it is. 啊,在的。
Where is your ball? 你的球在哪?
Is it in the box? 在盒子里吗?
Ha, it is. 啊,在的。

Let's sing 我们来唱一唱
Where is the toy car? 玩具车在哪儿?
Where is the toy car? 玩具车在哪儿?
Is it on your desk? 在你的桌子上吗?
Where is the toy car? 玩具车在哪儿?
Oh, it's on your chair! 噢,在你的椅子上面。
Where is the toy boat? 玩具小船在哪儿?
Is it on your desk? 在你的桌子上吗?
Where is the toy boat? 玩具小船在哪儿?
Oh, it's on your chair! 噢,在你的椅子上面。
Now it’s your turn. 现在该你唱了。




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